Hi everyone, have you ever seen Moss (e.g Java, Christmas, Thai SP, Flaming, Spiky) sold at your local fish shop (LFS) in a small cup? Have you ever wondered how do you grow them? Fret not, I will be teaching you how to in 7 simple steps!
1) First you will need a couple of things from DIY/LFS shop. You will need a scissors, a net, a Stainless steel wire mesh some fishing line and of cause the Moss that you will be growing.
2) Next, measure and cut the wire mesh accordingly to the size you want it to be located at.
3) Once done, measure the cloth net with the wire mesh and leave some allowance at the edges before you cut, this is allow you to fold it and sew them together.
4) Place the moss on to the wire mesh, try not to stack the moss otherwise they may turn brown.
5) Next, flip the side where the moss are attached onto the Cloth net. Cut the length of the fishing line sufficiently to be able to to go round the circumference of the wire mesh.
6) As I have mentioned, fold the cloth net into the wire mesh and tie a simple knot at the edge as the picture above. Continue on the edges like you are sewing any other cloth. It will be advisable if you tie a knot at every corner so as to secure the net firmly onto the wire mesh.
7) Viola! the end product! now cut the loose end of the fishing line away to make it look neat!
8) Finally, add the finished product into the tank. And you are ready to see the moss grow!
Have fun!