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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Worm Cluster on Cherry's head

Recently, I noticed something on 1 of my cherry's head. At first I though it was some food that was caught between it's eye, but on closer examination, I realized it was a cluster of worms! EWWW!

A very blurry picture I got off the web that resembled what I encountered. After searching the web for a bit, apparently these are parasites known as "scutariella japonica"

After reading on how to save my cherry, I decided to catch the little guy and give him a salt bath!

I started of with a low concentration of salt, I waited about 10 seconds and the worm did not swim off, hence I added a high dosage, about 1 teaspoon for 1 cup of water. This time, the worms start to wriggle off the shrimp and die. 

There were no noticeable ill effect on the cherry shrimp (maybe due to their hardy nature).

It has been 2 weeks now and my shrimp is swimming around healthily with no more worms between its eyes.

What I read was these parasites usually occur on adult shrimps only. Reason was that they don't mold as often due to their max size, resulting in parasites! 

At least there was a quick and easy way to get rid of these nasty worms.

