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Friday, 24 February 2012

Recently Changed to a Canister

I have recently gotten a canister as I feel that the bio-load in my tank was getting too much for my HOB to handle. Hence I bought the canister 2211 Eheim which is widely recommended by many. To be honest, it was a hassle to start the 2211 the first time as they did not have the "kick start" function that the bigger models have.

Here are some parts of the filter when unpacked.

Of cause a filter is never complete without its Biofilter. I decided to choose Eheim substrate pro after choosing for awhile at the LFS.

Nevertheless I managed to get it going in... 2 hours.. YES, it took a whole 2 hours to position the outlet/inlet and get it working. And finally after fixing it together and managing to run the filter properly, I took a picture below. 

Yes the whole thing look messy and my intake is at the front, but the whole idea is to let my canister run for two weeks minimum before I can remove my HOB. So that my canister will have properly formed bacteria.

 I bought the filter on the 14 of Feb and today, I have decided that my canister is good to go solo. Hence I removed my HOB and decided to add a DIY chiller and at the same time, move my intake to the back and move my canister to the right. As you can see the Styrofoam box is not my completed project for my DIY chiller, but it is just to test a theory I have in mind. So far, I'm having a drop in 2 Deg for nearly 3 hours straight. 

Below is a front view of my rearrange JAVA wall and my intake to the back right to replace my HOB

A closer look on the canister beside my Styrofoam box.

A different view of how my tank looks at the bottom left corner. My Tank is becoming the scape that I want.

The overall setup at the corner of my kitchen.

Hence after all the washing and changing of the filter, I'm glad that the inhabitants are doing good and happily enjoying their meal together.

Take care now! 
