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Saturday, 28 January 2012

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Cherry Shrimps in office

Finally had a better camera to take pictures of my office tank. Basically there are only Cherries/Green/Orange shrimps in them, I started with 5 each.. Now I have 5-6 Berried female, with eggs of all colors, from blue to green to yellow to brown to whitish green.

Hard to photo all the mamas as they are always hiding but here is a FTS of office tank.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Saturday, 7 January 2012

[Update] Feeding time for new Shrimps!

Cherry and YFS are added awhile ago like 2-3months back and the BDS is new to the tank. 

 Berried YFS in action.

 Little fellas out to feed as well!

Face picture? Smile!


[Update] 2 Surprise Female Berried!

So I did a water change and what followed next were dancing from some of my shrimps in tank. Nevertheless both were impregnated on 2 separate days! So here they are, a Cherry and my only YFS in tank. Enjoy! 


Thursday, 5 January 2012

[Update] New Observation

Weather in Singapore has been pretty hot recently. About a week ago I started to add Ice bottles to cool the tank down to 25-26 Deg C. There was once or twice I have forgotten to take them out and they were 24Deg C when I decided to remove it. So it happened a few times and before I know it, I have a Cherry and a Yellow fire shrimp that berried. Coincidence? or the right temperature.
